Holes In Your Dirty Laundry? Check Your Home For Crickets
If you repeatedly discover large holes in your dirty laundry, you might think that you have a moth infestation. But if you don't see any signs of moths in your laundry room or home, you might have a cricket infestation instead. Crickets can be just as destructive as moths.
Although most people don't consider crickets to be cloth-eating pests, the insects can and will destroy dry and wet fabrics contaminated with spilled liquids, food, and even the sweat and oils from the human body. Unlike fabric-eating moths, crickets leave behind large, ragged holes as they feed. You can find, remove, and keep the bothersome pests out of your laundry room and house with the tips below.
Clean Your Dirty Laundry
Before you eradicate the crickets in your house, you must get rid of the things the pests eat. Besides fabrics, some types of crickets can eat just about anything, including plastic and rubber. Because you don't know exactly what kind of pest you're dealing with, it's a good idea that you wash your dirty laundry.
If you have deep stains in your clothes, sheets, and other fabrics, use stain removers to clean them before you wash them. Crickets are complex creatures that can locate food easily with their antennae and other sensory organs. After you thoroughly wash your items, place them inside a hot dryer instead of on a drying rack or outdoors, since crickets can attack your wet clothing before they dry.
Crickets love wool, silk, and several other expensive fabrics. If you can't wash these types of fabrics in a traditional washing machine, take them to a dry cleaner instead. Be sure to instruct the cleaner to dry your items thoroughly.
Clean and Secure Your Kitchen and Other Rooms
The next step to making your home cricket-free is to clean your kitchen and secure your home. First, remove any fruit, vegetables, and other organic food items from your kitchen counters and store them in a refrigerator or cold storage unit. You can store grains, cereals, and breads in the refrigerator as well. Just place the items in moisture-resistant containers to keep them fresh. If the crickets find any of the previously mentioned items sitting out in the open, they will eat them.
Next, wipe down your kitchen counters, tabletops, stoves, and other surfaces to remove any signs of food, including crumbs and scents. You can use diluted white cleaning vinegar to save money. If you use another type of cleanser, avoid anything that smells like fruit, flowers, and other items that give off enticing fragrances.
Finally, go through your home and remove any signs of moisture. You can check your air conditioning closet for drainage leaks, as well as your kitchen and bathroom plumbing pipes for drips. Also, check your laundry equipment for leaking water. If you find leaking water or moisture content anywhere in the house, repair the issue immediately.
Get Rid of the Crickets
If you don't mind using glue traps, you can place the devices in any location that has a crack, including your baseboards, walls, and doors. You might want to place several traps in your basement as a precaution. If you have openings in your home, try to repair or seal them right away. Although some stubborn crickets may still enter your home, closing the openings may slow them down.
If you don't like handling glue traps, contact a pest control specialist for help. The contractor may use different insecticides to eliminate your cricket problem without disrupting your home and family. The pest control treatments may even destroy any eggs and young the crickets left behind in your house.
The contractor may also offer additional tips on how to keep crickets from entering your home in the first place. For instance, securing the perimeter around the outside of your home with organic insecticides can help control cricket infestations. A pest control specialist can go over the best options for you when they visit your home.
To learn more about making your home cricket free, contact a professional pest control company today.