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Looking for Anniversary Gift Ideas? Consider Getting a Fountain

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Celebrating an anniversary is a special time for couples. During this celebration, you will often find that you are compelled to purchase something special for the person in your life. If this is the case, then you will want to find something that can be given and kept for years to come. If you’re looking for a permanent reminder of your love on a daily basis, then you may want to consider giving the gift of a fountain.…

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Holes In Your Dirty Laundry? Check Your Home For Crickets

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If you repeatedly discover large holes in your dirty laundry, you might think that you have a moth infestation. But if you don’t see any signs of moths in your laundry room or home, you might have a cricket infestation instead. Crickets can be just as destructive as moths. Although most people don’t consider crickets to be cloth-eating pests, the insects can and will destroy dry and wet fabrics contaminated with spilled liquids, food, and even the sweat and oils from the human body.…

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