How Your Garden Grows: Planting Tips and Tricks

Tips For Keeping Your Home Radon-Free

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A lot of cancers right now are running rampant, to levels that are virtually epidemic. Because these threats are real, you should do all that you can to prevent them from becoming problematic in your household. If you are trying to reduce the factors in your life that can possibly contribute to cancer, make sure that you test your home for radon. Radon can potentially lead to cancer, which costs society $2 billion each and every year.…

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Oh No! Not Mice! Tips for Getting Rid of These Pests

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Did you find little tiny black pellets on your kitchen pantry floor? At first you might have been confused about them, right? Perhaps you realized that there were mice lurking in your kitchen. You might have even seen a mouse scurrying across your kitchen floor. Some might think those little kitchen mice are cute, and your kids might even wish they could have one as a pet. However, you certainly don’t want uninvited mice or any other pests living where your food is stored.…

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Getting Started With A Window Replacement Project For Your Home

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How long have you been fighting with windows that just don’t open and close right? Are you tired of trying to clean windows that have condensation trapped between the panes of glass? Have you been kicking around the idea of installing new windows, but don’t know where to start? Here, you’ll find a few tips that can help you get started with your window replacement project. Will you be replacing some or all of the windows on your home?…

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