How Your Garden Grows: Planting Tips and Tricks

Mouse in the House? Here's Some Answers to Common Infestation Questions

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Mice entering the home is not only unsanitary but frustrating when you have to clean up after them. You have the choice to trap them and kill them or call an exterminator, but either way, if you don’t seal up entryways, mice will return. The method to rid your home of these pests and keep them out depends on the number of mice in the home and the prevention tips you use.…

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Why Rain Gutters Are An Essential Part Of Your Home

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Often people think of rain gutters on a home as a way to stop the water coming off the roof from soaking them as they go in or out of the house. While this is one function, rain gutters play a significant role in protecting your home, and proper rain gutter installation is essential.  Choosing The Best Gutters For Your Home Working with a contractor or rain gutter installation service is the first step in installing effective rain gutters on your home that will move the water coming off the house to an area that can better deal with it.…

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When To Replace Your Sliding Glass Door

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Sliding glass doors are great. They let a lot of sunshine into your home, they give you a great unobstructed view, and they offer you a convenient way to go in and out of the house. However, as time goes on, they can start to give you problems, just as with anything in your home. You can learn some important things in this article that will help you to recognize some of the warning signs of your sliding glass door coming to the point where you should have it replaced.…

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